Around 2:00 AM in the morning last month, June 10, my husband rushed to the hospital for having an intense stomach pain. They did a CT Scan and some other tests. The result, he had appendicitis and it needs to come out right away. Around 9:30 am they did a laproscopic surgery, it took 1 and 1/2 hours and it was a successful one. Since it's tuesday when he got in, he got a "two for tuesday special" meaning that aside from his appendicits, he also had a cyst on his left kidney. So when the doctor told us that he had a cyst on his kidney, we thought that it's just a small one. But when the doctor came to the room after the surgery, he told us a very shocking news. The cyst is not just a cyst, it's cancerous and it's like a size of a baseball. I found myself crying while listening. I can't believe it, my husband don't have any symptoms at all. If not because of his appendicitis we wouldn't find out that he already had a kidney cancer which what they called "renal cell carcinoma." It's so hard on me to think that my husband is very sick, i felt like the world is tumbling down on me. But then I realized that evrything that happened is a blessing from God. He lets us know everything about it before it's too late. He wants us to take care of it before it gets worst. Like what the scriptures said, " everything works together for good according to His purpose...."
July 15 at 7:30 am, my husband had his second surgery, and this time the surgery will take 300 minutes or 5 hours. They did a hand assisted laproscopic surgery as planned but it didn't work. The tumor is too big and it's so hard for them to take it out. They tried that procedure for two hours. Then they decided to switch to the old fashion way, the open surgery. The 5 hours time passed by but the surgery is still going. In short, the 5 hours became more than 7 hours. It's a very long wait for me that makes me so nervous. Thanks to all of my friends who were there at that time trying to comfort and distract me. And for those who called, emailed and left messages on my YM, thank you so much my friends. To my friends who took care of my kids while I was in the hospital, thank you so much. God bless you all. Most of all, thanks to God for guiding the hands of the doctor and for giving him a safe and successful surgery. He really is watching us and cares so much for us. Thank you Lord for everything, amen.
You want to see what it looks like? Here's the picture of the kidney that they took out.

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